1 cup chapati flour
1 tsp salt
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil, plus extra for each chapati
Hot water
Add the flour, salt and oil in a bowl.
Add a little water at a time until you get a soft dough.
Knead for 5 minutes and leave in your bowl with a covering of cling film for 15 minutes.
Once rested, take the dough and divide into 6 balls.
Take the first (and cover the rest) and roll into a smooth ball. Press lightly with your hand until you have a small disk - add a splash of oil and a sprinkle of flour.
Roll the disk back into a ball by folding up the edges into the middle. Turn over and roll into a circle using a rolling pin.
Cook each chapati as you roll them on a medium / high heat on a non stick flat frying pan.
Cook on each side for 1-2 minutes.
Finish off by turning the chapati onto the first side you cooked - if you’ve done a good job, you’ll find your chapati rises into a ball, giving you a lovely layered chapati. Don’t worry if they don’t, it takes practice!
Cover as you cook each chapati, serve warm.
Will keep in an airtight tin for 3-4 days.